Hey! Stay away from that! Why? It goblin anvil. It special for us to utilize. You stay away. Certainly you could allow me to OSRS gold use it. Who's Shirley? She no let you utilize goblin anvil. Just me allow you to use it. Hey! Only me can let him use anvil! Yeah? Well.... Uh, if I could interupt. . You can't. Give me a lot of reasons why human usage anvil. How many is a bunch? How me know? You people dumb with talking. Not like me. I ain't not even a dummy. Yeah, they call lot of reasons"fiv kay". They dumb. Uhhh, do you need me to give you 5000 coins to utilize the anvil? See? You use human words that are dumb.
This is getting too annoying, I'll cut to the chase and state that you give them 5k to use the anvil. Smith the Bandos Gauntlets. Reread your book to learn that appropriate Bandos gauntlets have the"Ability of Dalgroth" in them. Go to the Ogre Enclave at Gutanoth and use your gauntlets together with the Rock of Dalgroth. Immediately after, run, as an ogre shaman will detect you doing this.
The potion could be made readily. For the pouch, talk to Oldak, who will speak about Zanik's own customs, such as her friendship with Juna. Talk to Juna close to the Tears of Guthix cave, and she'll provide you Zanik's bowl. Utilize the bowl using almost any Summoning Obelisk (a big one, not a little one) with a blank pouch, green allure, and 23 spirit shards to buy RuneScape gold acquire a Zanik pouch. Return to Yubiusk. Wear your gauntlets and start the sarcophogas.